Sydney is such a sweetie, and so special in our family. She is quite the teaser, and is very silly at times. When she was little, she always wanted to be in a fancy dress, and digging in the dirt, making potions, and catching bugs; strange combination, but her. She at just barely 9 months never took a nap again. She was up at 7 and up till 11, no prob. She wasn't grumpy, just very, VERY busy. She was quite the climber, and would get into EVERYTHING. She exhausted all my patience. I knew she was just curious, not noddy! (that came later);) She at just barely over a year could climb like you wouldn't believe. She could climb in and out of her crib, we finally said what's the point? She loved her binkies, and always had 1 and usually had another in her hand or in sight. She is a great student, and has some really nice friends that she likes to play with. She loves riding her ripstick that she got for her birthday, and is very good at it. I love you Sydney, and especially love your laugh, it's contagious! On her birthday, I made the obligatory cake, almost gagging at the thought of another treat, with so many goodies on the kitchen counter. She loves it though, as we all do on our birthday. I hope you had a great B-day Syd!!