I can't believe you are 4 years old. It just seems like yesterday you joined our family. You have always been a very emotional girl, colic, screaming, and crying, but you are growing out of that, and are such a sweet little girl. We all love you so much and love your sweet smile. You just finally gave up the "
binkie" only because I was brave enough to listen to your crying, and I couldn't believe how much less
whiny you were instantly. I'm not sure what happened,
hallelujah! You are in preschool now and just LOVE it!! You love shoes and jammies and lipgloss. You love to tag along anywhere if me or Dad are leaving and get really upset if you can't come along. You love all of your brothers and sisters and are starting to have some fun friends. Your best friends are Brooklyn Hale and Lincoln Whetton. Brooklyn brought you a cake over for your birthday that her mommy had made for you and we sang happy birthday, and Brooklyn blew out the candles for you, you looked and me and grinned. You think that everyday you have to play with her and get upset if I say not today. Lincoln lives next door and you love to play with him all the time too!! How lucky you are to have so many people around you that care about you. We want you to always be happy!! Happy Birthday Ivy!!