Sunday, January 1, 2012

welcome 2012

Well it's the start of a new year, new goals, new experiences. We lost my Grandmother "Gay" as we call her today at 3:00. I am so happy for her to reunite with my Grandfather "Boppa" today. I imagine that was a really special moment! I am going to make it a goal to post something on my blog every week this year so I can have somewhat of a journal, since I am horrible at keeping a journal. I am grateful for my family, my wonderful better half Rich and our beautiful children who are all healthy and most of the time happy. I love them all and hope for a GrEat and ExCiTinG year!!!


Tiffany said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma! It is fun to see an update about your family - we love to hear (and see) what you are doing!

Nelson Family said...

Grandma & Bryan said the funeral was so nice! Good job Lindsey on keeping up on your blog weekly. That is why I do it doubles as my photo albums. I have been downloading them into hardbound books. I love reading your blog.