Paij turned 11 on Monday the 16th. Where has the time gone? I still remember her entrance into the world, such a unique delivery! She has been such a joy in our family. She is such a great helper with the little ones, and is a fun person to be around and to talk to. She is one of my best friends! She is cheerful and very smiley! She is very grown-up for her age, and seems to have her head on straight, and wants to be obedient! I can always count on her to get up on time, by herself, get her chores done and be ready on time, everyday! She has gotten very good at doing her hair by herself and always looks darling! She has started getting quite fashionable and is loving cute clothes. This is the best part about having daughters, they love to go shopping. She is all about a bargain, I guess she learned something from watching me. Just before her b-day, she got to have her annual spend the night with Grandie and Papa. They went to Sweet Tomatoes and went shopping at Kohls, picked out some adorable shirts, on clearance, and rented the movie Bride Wars, and picked out her cereal, Cookie Crisp, yum! I absolutely LOVE that my parents do this, the kids look SO forward to it! We love our sweet Paij and hope that she knows that she is so special to us, that we only want what is best for her. We will always be there for her, ALWAYS, and that her Heavenly Father loves her too! I hope you had a great birthday Paij!