I think since it was just Mother's Day, and Rich helped them make me a "special" breakfast, Carson thought that sounded like a tradition we should either start or have always done:) so the night before his birthday he says, "don't forget to get up early and make me a special breakfast." I have never done that before, I usually try to make a "special" dinner, but I thought what the heck.....and he was delighted! I can't believe it has been 7 years since Carson joined our family. He is such a joy to have around and is just such a sweet kid.
This year Carson's favorites are:
- color: green
- breakfast: biscuits and gravy
- food: spagetti
- thing to do: swim, ride his bike
- subject: lunch
- video game: spiderman
- treat: ice cream
- cereal:golden grahams
- number: 10
- toy: lava man
For his birthday he got some transformers he has been wanting, and some swim toys, that Ashton thought were something to wear on his head, silly boy;)
Happy Birthday to Carson! AND your kayaking trip looked so fun!
I have been terrible about commenting. Carson's birthday photos are ADORABLE! It's hard to believe he's already 7! I remember when he was a little toddler in nursery. How cute about his request for a special birthday breakfast! I love how you listed out his favorite things, too!
P.S. Happy Birthday + 1, Lindsey! I thought about you yesterday and completely meant to call you. I hope your birthday was WONDERFUL! Miss you and love you!
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